CCAP Integrated allows you to set target intensities for different resource and metric types, and display the variance between target and actual intensities on your Asset Summary Dashboard, under KPIs.
To add target intensities, select the asset you wish to set target intensities for and go to the Details tab. Scroll down to see the Target Intensities card:
Click the + button to add a new target intensity. Populate the fields and hit Save.
Edit or Delete Target Intensities
To edit or delete existing target intensities, click on the Edit or the Bin icon:
Displaying Target Intensities in the KPI Dashboard
When target intensities are set, they will automatically appear in the KPI dashboard if the particular KPI is enabled, and there is available data for that intensity. It will show up as a variance from the actual intensity.
Note: The KPI dashboard takes the target intensity of the current fiscal year.