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CCAP Integrated
Assigning Assets to Users
How can I better monitor the consumption of my live meters?
How can I compare multiple live metering data types?
How can I set target intensities?
How do I answer surveys?
How do I approve surveys?
How do I add Green Star Ratings?
How do I add new assets?
How do I add new metrics?
How do I change asset details?
How do I delete an asset?
How do I display asset KPIs on the asset dashboard?
How do I exclude the resource consumption and GHG emissions from ASSETS that are not under my operational control?
How do I exclude the resource consumption and GHG emissions from METERS that are not under my operational control?
How do I 'flag' an event on an asset?
What are the different user roles for Integrated?
Where can I view asset details?
Where can I view the assets I'm managing?
Editing Meter Information in Bulk
How can I get alerted when my live meter stops receiving data?
How do I manually add a raw bill?
How can I upload billing data to Integrated in bulk?
How do I add new assets in bulk?
How do I add new meters in bulk?
How do I add new metrics in bulk?
How do I attach PDF bills in my billing uploads?
How do I export data?
How do I lock billing records during the auditing period?
How do I monitor data completeness?
How do I update meter information?
How do I upload source documents to bills?
How do I view my unprocessed data?
How is data uploaded to CCAP Integrated?
What data connections are supported by CCAP Integrated?
Where can I see my exports?
Where can I view raw billing data?
How do I add new stakeholders?
Estimating refrigerant emissions