There are two Alert Types you can choose from:
Threshold - when the consumption hits a threshold over 1 day, 1 week, or 4 weeks
Time Window Threshold - when the consumption hits a threshold between a certain time window within the day
Threshold Alert
From the Assets section, select the desired asset, and switch to the Live Metering tab
2. At the bottom of the Live Metering menu, click Configure
3. To create a new alert, select the appropriate Resource Type, click on the desired Live Meter, and click + New Alert
4. Select Alert Type Threshold, set the conditions of the threshold, select the appropriate period, and hit Save Alert. For example, if you want to get alerted when a live meter has recorded more than 50 kWh over 1 day:
Conditions - you can choose between greater than or less than
Period - you can choose between 1 day, 1 week, or 4 weeks
Time Window Threshold Alert
Follow steps 1-3 from Threshold Alert.
4. Select Alert Type Time Window Threshold, set the conditions of the threshold, set the desired time window, and hit Save Alert. For example, if you want to get alerted when a live meter has recorded more than 50 kWh between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm:
The Asset Manager assigned to that particular asset will receive an email notification when the threshold is hit.