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How do I change asset details?

Editing asset names, codes, classifications and other information

Sam Vivian avatar
Written by Sam Vivian
Updated over a week ago

This will open the Edit Asset Details box, where you can edit your asset's details. The asset's details are divided into five categories - General, Location, Reporting, Notable Dates, and Green Star.


In the General tab, you can update the asset's name, code, branch, and other general details about the asset.
โ€‹Note: If a user changes the Branch or Business Entity for a particular Asset, this classification will be applied to all historic data and associated historic reporting.ย 


You can change the location, telephone number, and time zone in the Location tab.


Here you can update the Asset Number, Display Factor, ANZSIC Code, and NGER Entity.

Notable Dates

You can set the Divestment or Demolition date for the asset under Notable Dates. Note that no data can be uploaded to the asset following this date, and the asset will not appear in the Bill Explorer completeness score for periods after the date.

Green Star

In the Green Star tab, you can update the details relating to your asset's green star ratings and scores. Read How can I add Green Star Ratings to learn more.

Don't forget to hit Save once you're done updating the asset details. Once changes are saved, all changes will appear instantly in CCAP Integrated.

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