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How do I create reports? Part 1: Filtering Data
How do I create reports? Part 1: Filtering Data

Getting started with cutting and slicing your data to analyse with the Explore function

Ria Noche avatar
Written by Ria Noche
Updated over 2 months ago

The Analysis section provides a flexible interface for interrogating City data. These selections allow the user to customise their analysis in many different ways. Exploration of the data can be broken into four key steps:

Filtering Data to Analyse

You can filter your data based on data types, periods, areas, sectors, and labels. To begin, go to Analysis -> Explore and you'll see the different fields that you can filter on the left hand side:ย 

Note: Periods - You may display your data in terms of fiscal year or calendar year, with granularity of either yearly, quarterly, or monthly. For more info, click here.

Data Types and Intensity Metric

Sometimes, viewing certain data types in their absolute amount does not give a fair representation of the situation. Normalising the data by enabling the Intensity Metric can solve this problem. For example, if we take a look at the non-residential electricity consumption of 5 suburbs, we can see that one of the suburbs have a much higher consumption compared to the other four:

To normalise this, CCAP City can take into consideration other factors, depending on the available, like the number of jobs in each suburb. By enabling the Intensity Metric filter and selecting Jobs, the report will now look like this:

Showing the non-residential electricity consumption per number of jobs makes . it easier to compare the consumption between suburbs.

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